Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Monologue 4

It just sends shivers through my bones when I read Leviticus 24. Fracture for fracture, eye for eye, tooth for tooth....and life for life. When i was young I used to think am I being blasphemous if I dont agree with it? but now I no more think like that. Now I think and I am sure that the God who spoke to Moses and gave these ordinances is the smae one within me...telling me that lets not agree with it. It would be blasphemous if I say that God is wrong in Leviticus 24, I know that and I would never say that. Because I know...oh Father! Oh God You are the perfection and You can not be wrong. Its we who misunderstands You, misinterpretes You. Moses might have misheard You. Leviticus 19 sundry laws are not sundry. If God my Father says "You shall do no injustice in judgment; you shall not be partial to the poor nor defer to the great, but you are to judge your neighbor fairly", we do have the responsibility to define the "faireness" of "judgement". Before carrying out the ordinance of "Fracture for fracture, eye for eye, tooth for tooth....and life for life" one has to first of all judge fairly and I think that the distance between the 'judging' and the 'judgement' is not just 5 chapters but infinite. The judge can keep on giving fair chance to the culprit until his own death and still the distance between 'judging' and 'judgement' wont dissolve at all. Eye for eye and life for life may help culprit to understand the value of eye and life but certainly not realize the value. And if he understands and not realize he will always remain far away from the God who is the perfect value of Life.